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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a generic term for a specific kind of connective tissue disorder. There are several different kinds of EDS (for instance, the kind I have is hypermobile, or hEDS). The different kinds affect people in different ways, but a lot of the problems and comorbidities are the same. The important thing for sufferers, friends, family, and employers to remember is that even though the zebra may be disabled, they can do everything that a horse can do. Though they might have to do it a little bit differently.


Did you know that May is Ehlers Danlos Awareness Month? This means that I have the opportunity to draw zebra merfolk and have it be relevant for both.


The mascot of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a zebra. Hence, this sketch I did for MerMay for the prompt 'extravagant'.


A sketch for MarMay. The prompt was 'stretch'. When you have hypermobile joints or poor connective tissue in general, stretching can result in - shall we say - 'noises'. And pain. Don't forget the pain.

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